How to write a screenplay in the magical Fountain Language
Fountain Language is a pure form of screenwriting, with no formatting and will help you with writing your screenplay.

A simple way to write screenplays.
The screenplay format is rigid and can get in the way of writing. I used to write everything in a standard screenwriting software until I discovered 'Fountain Language.'
(See below, links to Writing Applications and more information on using Fountain)
When you have completed the writing in 'Fountain' language, you can copy/paste it into a free software that will automate the screenplay format for you.
In baby-language, 'Fountain Language' is a pure form of writing, with no formatting. The best way to explain it is to show you.
- First, I'll show you how a typical screenwriting software helps you write your scene in a screenplay format.
- Then I'll show you how fountain language is done in writing.
- When you have completed the writing in 'Fountain' language, you can copy/paste it into a free software that will automate the screenplay format for you.
This is a typical screenplay format:


The great thing about using Fountain - is that you can use it on the go, use a simple text editor and then copy/paste it into a free software that translates it into screenplay format.
- Learn More about Fountain Language and download a screenplay (Big Fish):
Here are FREE WRITING APPS than can automate Fountain into a Screenplay format:
link: HIGHLAND 2

link: BEAT |

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