Writing Character: A List Of Value Changes For Writing

Here below is a basic 'cheat sheet' overview of how characters can change in your story. In my film classes, I always stress that CHANGE is what makes people become curious about your story. Change is the plus and minus of the attention battery in our human world, especially in storymaking. Changes can occur in story but also in basic VALUE SHIFTS of a character. Please find this nifty overview list below :) Hopefully you'll find it useful when you write your story!
- Unwanted to Welcomed
- Encouraged to Discouraged
- Death to Life
- Success to Failure
- Discouraged to Encouraged
- dismissive to concerned
- Progress to Breakthrough
- Stymied to Victorious
- confident to confused
- humiliated to proud
- Glamour to Grotesquery
- Clueless to Evidence
- Respect to Intimacy
- Capable to Incisive
- Progress to failure
- Contained to Unbounded
- Outside to Inside
- Being Useful to Being used
- A tool to a Colleague
- Life to death
- Imposing to Controlling
- in control to vulnerable
- captive to prey
- Player to Tool
- vulnerable to powerful
- a break to a breakthrough
- Closed to Open
- failure to win to setback
- contained to unleashed
- outside to inside
- protégé to pro
- Cold to Hot
- contemplative to active Gumb will kill the next day
- wanted to unwanted
- Out to back in
- imprisoned to free
- imprisoned/free
- free/freer
- safety/risk
- good even better
- capture release
- bad to worse
- bad to worse
- Bad to it’s going to be okay
- hope then death
- bad to worse
- ignorant to knowing
- knowing to acting
- death to life
- hope to encouragement
- hopeless to hope
- unknown to known
- In the game to out of the game
- stagnant to moving forward
- close to very close
- death to life
- hero to regular FBI agent
- protégé to pro
- sadness to exploitation
- duty to fun
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